We offer a wide range of payment options to meet our client needs and ensure we can provide the best service you deserve. We accept the following payment methods:
Note: These are just a few of the insurance providers we service. Please contact our locations to ensure that we service your insurance provider.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPN, PPO, FEP
MAMSI Life and Health PPO
OneNet PPO
Optimum Choice
United Healthcare (not Medicaid)
Kaiser Permanente
American Specialty Health Network includes:
CIGNA Healthcare
CIGNA Healthcare Mid-Atlantic HMO
Providence Health Plan
UNICARE Life & Health Insurance Company
Please call if problems arise verifying provider status. We will verify all patients’ benefits prior to their first visit and explain all charges.
We will accept all personal injury and workers’ comp claims.
Didn’t see your insurance company listed? Please inquire about your insurance information, and we will verify within 48 hours.
Are you having a problem with your insurance company? Call our Office Manager at 240-641-5693.